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Thriving Parents Learning Series

Why a self-guided learning membership?

Time…. Our most precious resource is often time. This membership is created with busy parents in mind.


A village is often difficult to create, especially when you are in the day-to-day of life. Work around your busy schedule. Review the content as many times as you want- at your own pace.

Space…. Do you ever feel pressure as a parent, asking yourself “am I a good enough parent?” Often, when we feel alone in parenting we aren’t sure how to answer this question. We just know that we are isolated, struggling and spending time in self-doubt about our role as a parent. For some, this can be a deeply personal journey.

A self-guided membership allows you to “dip your toe” into parenting work. It provides a guide for the knowledge you seek for your parenting and for your family without the pressure of deadlines and performance expectations. If you long to create space to learn and reflect on your parenting in the privacy of your own home (or car, or park) Then the self-guided membership is for you.


Resources… Access this content in an economical way, giving you a variety of parenting resources for less investment than a few individual sessions. 

Connection… create community for yourself as a parent with access to our private online community of like-minded parents as well as to our coaching circle support group!

Are you ready to join our village?


Parent Portal Access



One Time Payment

Valid until canceled

Access to 12 coaching videos

Accompanying reflection and action workbook

Access to a private online community

E-mail glimmers with impactful relationship reminders

Mindful moment- reflection and movement videos

Discounted one-on-one coaching consultation available

Lifetime access to all resources

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